Few people have questioned the issue of homosexuality on an occult angle.
The story I am going to summarize is mine.I have absolutely no claim to a higher truth, but I can bring you some features of the reality of the unseen and the collusion between certain sexual practices and the occult.
The first gay men I met in Paris were show-business jews. I do not think it is a coincidence.
25 years ago, innocently enough, so I did in my twenties knowledge of some people who all gravitated to the artistic world, completely dominated already by the Jewish lobby as it has ever been for ages.
So I made the acquaintance of one of those Jews with whom I had sex (but no penetration I might add), an experience with very little pressure on a sexual level but far away on a more secret one.
I remember a kind of psychic game during the psychic relationship, where I saw myself transported far into the cosmos. The next morning, I began to feel unwell and have a little pain down the spine, at the perineum exactly. This point, I learned much later corresponding to the first Shakra. My negative Kundalini was just starting, phenomena, I had never heard about.
The following weeks, the pains are amplified, gaining the tree genitourinary, and then the whole body. The unwellness was widespread but indescribable. I was both mebtally and physically shaken.
Laboratory analyses were negative. Over the months, the sensations became more and more difficult and precise. Sexual desires have jointly increased.and alsdo negative thought like the idea of suicide. I had the sensation of presences, and evil forces around me. At some people's houses, furniture creaked when I had left them. They told me about it.
I was very tired, clogged with negative thoughts, and desperate not to find a solution.
A year later, returning to Paris, I met a doctor, also Jewish, who abruptly told me that I was certainly suffering from an occult problem. I showed him a picture of the guy with whom it happenened. He made no notice about the fact that he certainly recognized another jew. He watched me and accused me : this was my entire fault. I just did not know taht I was a goy, and so, as a jew, he could not accuse the other "fellow" fron mothing.
Through the doctor, I met an old clairvoyant, in the suburb of Paris, who, concentrating himself, eyes shut, delivered me the terrifying diagnosis as follows: the sexual relationship I had with this young man put me in contact with a demonic entity. he described it very precisely, "something" hanging on my back, from the neck to the tailbone, red and black. This man who was supposed to have powers and to be able help people with occult problems has absolutely tried to get rid me of it, and nearly fainted. He was really upset and fell on one chair. When he recoverde, he was totally pale. So it was indeed a real possession. : I asked him a few questions for the man including the following:
- How do you get you one of "these things"?
-During sexual intercourse... Because of negative vibrations with the universe.
He only recommended me to go to a monstery, to have positive thoughts, and to begin a spiritual life.
A few weeks later, in my bedroom, not being able to sleep, suffering martyrdom in my body one night, I cried, "I hate God", my wooden closet made a huge crash. This was my first paranormal phenomenon. I did realise that when making love with guy, and when having that psychic game, instead of having reached the 7 th sky, I had fallen in a hellpit. The physical and mental fight was horrible : against suicidal tendencies, against physical pains (espacially along the joints), criminal "voices", HUGE sexual desires, I had to cope with, much bigger desires than ever before. This situation was simply threatening.
I kept on seeing the same doctor, who nearly meant I was cursed, and that it was my responsability, my fault, and noone else's. When I do think now that the other guy was not innocent at all...but, you know, remember that I only was a poor christian or goy.
3 months later, I followed the advice of the psychic go into a monastery. . There, I told a priest about the "possession", and then I met an exorcist who practised a ritual which led to no result, no clearance at all. I had the impression of being broken from inside, and of having no more roots. And I just do not know how I managed not to turn mad.
: More important, in that same monastery, I was confronted with several paranormal phenomena, including an amazing thing at night, a luminous phenomenon consisting of points forming a geometric figure, absolutely perfect, it looked like a constellation, but it was in a room before me and at eye level: here you get the shape of it :
x x x
x x
x x
It happened in a dark room in the monastery. I dared not going too close to it. I stared at it, and after 15 seconds, I simply left the room, totally amazed. (I would of course behave very differently now)
That was I reckon a gift and a sign from God. I really think that the Powerful wanted me to believe in Him.
This is the main meaning of apparitions. Now, when I think of this phenomenon, I would describe it as God's electricity.
Years later I discovered this same figure but upright in the esoteric Jewish Kabbalah : the Tree of Life.
After those events, I decided not to talk to ordinary persons of what I had seen, as they would not have believed me or as they would take me for a mad person. Among other paranormal phenomena, there have been internal visualizations: a sad face, Shakras (heart shakra heart and "ajna shakra" called third eye, they look like bicycle wheels, years afterwards, I saw designs of them in an occult book), lucid dreams where I did myself visited haunted houses, and "cleant them" ... So, this very weird experience was both a mixture of Kundalini, Initiation and Possession.
A buddhist guy told me once : "had you been a woman, you would have been pregnant". I told him that his advice was not right as there had not been any kind of penetration. He looked very amazed after I had told him so.
Gradually, over the years, the pains and the symptoms eased. The latest paranormal phenomena I saw were positive, bright and very brief appearance of a very closed friend three months after her death, ( I often mention her on my blog : Orla. she is very protective with me) passing on another plane, a few seconds, where I saw the Light, extraordinary, ineffable, and received via one a "voice", three personal messages that I shall not confide.
On the opposite, The demonic force, is still there, but I have learnt to live with this incredible osmosis. My body suffers sometimes, some forms of burns that circulate throughout the body, but I found a way to counteract them: failing to seminal loss, avoid sex as much as possible, avoid crowds, never watching horror films, and pray. I managed not to die, but what would you say about such an experience for a guy with no personality, with no strong psychic forces ? He would have turnt mad or commited suicides (I know a guy whith the same symptoms who did so, Hope he got some help from the "other side", as he was not a bad person)
: What I think I may say:
Sexuality-heterosexuality also, unfortunately- involves for mediumic personalities games with the invisible forces that can serve as vectors, as channels for demonic entities which feed themselves with the emitted sexual energies, hence the importance of sexuality in Satanism, but also in this decadent civilization which chain individuals.
-Homosexuality in itself can be very negative and dangerous for individuals who are mediums with no knowledge of the occult or have spiritual concerns. I guess some people have shields, shield that I had not (I was born very pre-term, is there a link?). The LGBT movement is a new spiritual obscurantism, a fake liberation movement, as masonry is, masonry which disguises itself as "sons of Light what they are not. Those who promote Abortion and the destruction of the Christ message just cannot be. These occult problem may merge also among heterosexuals of course.
-Abortion and other horrors as food by evil forces, which in spite of the fact of being disembodied are close to the matter and obsessed by it. especially by sexual forces. One day, before I decided to complety stop any kind of sexuality, during the sexual intercourse, I suddenly visualized some entities sucking energies. I immediatly stopped. it was terrifying. It did not look human at all. They are dark and shapeless. Those are the Vampires of the invisible.
By curisosity, I then made the horoscope of the Jew with whom it happened, the superimposition of my theme and his, the result was catastrophic. Stream of very negative aspects between planets etc..
It is a mystery to me seeing that I managed to survive durong 25 years, with a force of which there are no other words to say it is demonic. I would say that 30 per cent of my energies are still "sucked" by it.
-What I am certain of : the "powerful" of this world know the hidden and talmudic components of the media influence upon minds, and their impregnation. Their intention is to obscure the world on a spiritual level, and degrade it on a material.one . (mind and earth pollution)In a spiritually elevated world, these media that we would have no impact. These powerful people maintain a spiritual level down to the human slaves, hence the apology of all forms of sexuality, and deviations that are one of the worst dispositions, under the guise of liberation. These are lies. . The entire civilization is built on a lie spiritual falsehood conveyed by the media among other Masonic Jews. "Gayness" is one of the new toxic poisons...covered with sugar, the soppy gayprides and so on...
Personally, I am saddened to see the spiritual immaturity among homosexuals, among people like the American one for instance, totally infantilized and mesmerized by the media. I am also upset to notice blindness of the goyim and profane, the cruelty of the Jews and their transgression or the spiritual damage they cause to children and innocent minds through the Hollywood movies, in particular, so violent and erotic and into occult themes (Potter, Twilight...).
I would not dare say that homosexuality is pure darkness BUT I know that some evil forces use this vector to propagade.
Those truths had to be delivered and said. People may believe me or not. I do not care. This is not that important, as each one has his own path. Some prefer the darkness, I have decided to consacrate myself and for the rest of my life to the Light. What we call "Love" here, is for me now, totally pointless, whatever it is, gay or straight. I much prefer being totally alone, and loving animal and family.
It is not at random that Christianity or Bouddhism call for chastity, it is the best way to reach the Light inside. I am old and strong enough now to talk about it with no complex, and wherever it is, through the net or in front-of any kind of audience.