dimanche 18 juillet 2010

Commentaire de Noor

Noor al Haqiqa a dit…

" 'Our plan is to create ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.' ~ The Frankfurt School

Who is behind this lowering of standards and the attempt to obliterate thousands of years of the learning process by removing it from the mainstream and replacing it with meaningless, often unaesthetic visual and spiritual insults? This new stuff is all about degrading art, turning it into something grey and shocking, something that provokes, something that ignores the aesthetics of the finer things.

"Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression ~ nude movies, books, perverted art" This quote from one of the most famous destroyer of art, occultist and Illuminist Andy Warhol with his so-called pop-art. He said in an interview that "fine art is dead ~ this is the art of the New Age. Warhol was a big puppet for the Illuminati Elite. By degrading the art they also degrade the human population.

This is a question I have often wondered about. The good artists I am finding are often local painters not the ones who "make it" in the art world, and I have a very good eye. These artists like Picasso, Andy Warhol, Marcel Duchamp, Rothko, Pollock, William DeKooning,

and so many others. Too many.

I much prefer the true skill and ability of someone who creates art about LIFE not this modern stuff that makes me recoil at its ugliness"



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